The Perfect Bath

The perfect bath includes personal preferences. Lighting, music, water temperature, and add-ins.

A Bath a Day Keeps Your Troubles Away 

Rest and Relaxation Oils Lavender, Rose, Chamomile, Bergamont, Neroli, Cedarwood

Quiet Evening at home Oils Combine Lavender Sandalwood Clove
Clear Your Head Oils Combine Rosemary, Lemon, Peppermint, Tyme, Lavender
Invigorating Bath Use Oils Individually or Combine Lemon, Wild Orange, Lemongrass, Jasmine, Ylang Ylang, Grapefruit, Geranium, Lime, Peppermint

5 drops of essential oil should be enough for one bath.

Essential Oil should be added to 1 tablespoon of liquid Castille soap before adding essential oil to the bathwater. You may also add Epsom salt, Coconut, Sweet Almond or Apricot Kernel oil, Clay, or Shea Butter to the bathwater.

Bubble Bath Recipe


1 cup unscented Castile soap

½ cup Vegetable Glycerin

15 drops favorite doTERRA essential oil

Instructions  Combine castile soap, and glycerin, into glass bowl Add essential oils Stir until well combined Pour into a glass container. To use, add 2-3 tablespoons of bubble bath mixture to warm, running bathwater.  Note: These bubbles are not going to provide big fluffy bubbles that last a long time since it doesn’t contain the synthetic ingredients that make them. However, this chemical-free bath will provide enough bubbles for a relaxing and therapeutic bath you will still enjoy.

Bath Bomb Recipe


1/2 cup citric acid

1 cup baking soda

½ cup cornstarch

½ cup doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil

8–10 drops favorite essential oil

Instructions  In a bowl, place citric acid, baking soda, cornstarch, and oil. Add eight to 10 drops of the essential oil or blend of choice. Mix well with a spoon until a soft dough is formed. It should have the consistency of damp sand.
Note: If the mixture is too wet, try adding a little more baking soda and cornstarch until the consistency is correct.  At this point, you may add food coloring, dried herbs, or flower petals to the mixture.  Place mixture in silicone molds. Let sit 24 hours before removing from the mold. To use, drop-in tub or shower and allow to dissolve.
Invest in a comfy robe and nice slippers for after bath care

* Always patch test the essential oil on your skin to make sure you do not have a sensitivity to it. Dab a little on the inside of your wrist and see if there is a reaction. If there is do not use this oil in the bath.

Relaxing Bath Blend
1 drop Black Pepper essential oil
1 drops Juniper Berry essential oil
2 drops Cypress essential oil
2 drops Lavender essential oil
1 Tablespoon liquid Castille soap
20 drops carrier oil ( coconut, sweet almond, apricot grapeseed or jojoba)