Self Care

Self care is basically participating in behaviors that help refresh and restore your mind, body and soul. It helps keep you motivated so that you can continue to grow as a person, and stay focused on life application tools to better yourself and others. The pillars of health are applicable when looking at self care, here’s why.

Physical- take a walk, get a massage, treat yourself to a healthy meal, no fast food

Mental- self evaluate, ask yourself how do I treat a friend that needs help, if your answer is spending time with them, listening to them, going to coffee or preparing a meal to share with them, these are the things that you should also do for yourself. Write or journal about your life experiences and how you came out on the other side a stronger person.

Social- I know you don’t feel like it but get out of the house, out of your comfort zone. Even if it is for 10 minutes a day to start. Feel the sunshine on your face. Rain or shine, a little fresh air does a body good.

Spiritual- attend a worship service, read a daily devotional book, sit peacefully in prayer.