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Back to School Cleaning Solutions

It’s that that time of year, back to school we go. Although it is still very warm outside for many of us it is just a matter of time before the weather cools down. With the change in the weather comes the change in the seasons and those changes can change our bodies immune systems as well. Colds and viruses, head lice, impetigo, TB, molluscum contagiosum, strep throat, fifths disease are just a few of the immune system responding characters that will be assaulting our kids from within.  As we all know a bacteria is on desks, doorknob, tables, play equipment and pretty much everything we and our sweet little offspring touch. Viruses are also on the prowl and will hit early and mid winter not to mention the dreaded chickenpox virus that rears its ugly head in the spring. Although there is a vaccine for chickenpox there is a wild version out there that our kiddos can still contract. Just ask me, mine did.  All depressing talk aside I have found a fabulous way to keep my surfaces clean and green. Removing toxic load is the goal in my home and it should be in yours too. Here is a link to some incredible products that I like to use know that I am doing my very best to stay bacteria and virus free while also helping the environment.